Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Oslo, Norway:   Today the Nobel Committee announced the winner of the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize will for the first time be not a person, but a device: the drone. “It seemed a logical extension, to us, of all that had gone before,” said Helmut Reiksgaard, spokesperson for the committee. “President Barack Obama, our 2009 recipient, has made it clear that the drone is critical in all the peace-keeping operations his country undertakes, and is increasingly seen as essential by all other nations for this purpose as well.” Detractors pointed to the fact that drones in their use are less than descriminant killing machines, but the committee rejected this argument, said Reiksgaard. “The same could be said of dynamite, the invention of our founder, Alfred Nobel, whose wealth accrued from that invention makes this prize he established possible.” He further justified the choice by coining an American idiom: “What is it you say? To make an omlet, you have to break a few eggs.”

—1/19/2013   thanks to Victoria Best for the title

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